Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Literary Device Stroy

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting.

What do I do? What do I say? I've been waiting for this chance forever. Suddenly, another girl approaches Johnny. Angela came to an instant stop in her tracks. Her heart dropped into her stomach. She started to feel like her soul had just left her body.

"Oh no. I'm too late."

Angela starts to quietly weep to herself and starts to head back to her friends. What has just happened? Was she too late? No! This can't end this way. In an instant, something had tapped her shoulder. What was this? It was Johnny.

"Hey. I heard you wanted to talk to me." said Johnny.
"Yeah, I did. But your girlfriend came and..."
"That wasn't my girlfriend. She just came to give me my notes for the big test on Friday back."
"Oh. Well...I was sort of ...well... wondering if you'd like to go with me to the dance on Thursday.You know, if your not busy or anything."
Angela's Heart started to beat louder and louder with a thump- thump,thump- thump. As if it were like a ticking time bomb about to burst. Was this real? Was she really going through with this?
"I don't think I have anything going on Thursday. Yeah, I think I'll go with you to the dance."
Angela felt like she was going to burst with happiness. The guy she liked had said yes to going with her to the dance. She felt as though she had just emerged from her shell and sprouted wings and flew of into the light. This was the greatest day she could ever imagined.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Origin of Zero

What struck me in the articles was the theories there are. Some say zero came from Mesopotamia and others say it came from Babylon.

There isn't a way to decide who discovered what. It would be unfair to take sides. I believe it is a "first come, fist served" rule that decides on who discovered what first. No body knows who discovered zero first.

In one of the articles a man named Fabonacci was said to have brought zero back from north Africa, but zero's history stretches as far deeper into history. In fact, that its provenance is difficult to pin point.

No one really knows where zero came from. The guy who came up with the concept of zero didn't discover it because he needed zero to come up with the concept. Even though the person who discovered the number isn't the guy who came up with zero. There was someone who actually made zero and a couple thousand years later some one discovered the zero someone else had founded.