Monday, April 26, 2010
Talking These Ideas Out
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Epic Epidemic
Epic Epidemic
Jeremy Stewart
T is for Tragedy
Final draft
"Man, what a day. Long, boring, and lame." Says Adam as he first gets off the bus.
"It was not that bad." Robert says, getting off the bus last.
"I guess I can say that the best part of today was getting my license which means I no longer need to take the bus."
"Well, the bus may be slower getting from 'A' to 'B', but at least it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg."
Adam takes a quick look at his phone and realizes that it's getting dark out and that they should probably be parting ways now.
"I'd like to hang out more, but it's getting late." Adam says.
"You're right. It's cold and almost dark." responds Robert.
The two exchange farewells and start heading back to their homes. As Adam stared climbing up the steep hill close to his apartment, he gets an unsuspecting phone call. To his surprise it was Robert.
"Yo." Says Adam as he answers his friend's call.
"Hello there Mister Robinson." Says a mysterious voice.
Suddenly, Adam felt his stomach drop and a sharp shiver go over his body.
"Who is this and how did you get Rob's phone?!?!" Shouts Adam, worried about his close friend.
"Who I am is none of your concern. What you should be asking is why." Adam starts to wonder what's going on.
"We have your closest friends and you family. If you want to ever see them again then you should follow our demands." Says the stranger on the phone.
Suddenly, Adam shouts, "You're out off your mind to think I'm going to follow some directions from some weirdo on the phone."
Suddenly the lights on the entire street cut out, but quickly turned back on.
"What was that?" Asks Adam as he looks around for anything that might have changed in the past few seconds.
The stranger on the phone immediately says, “That was a warning."
"What are you talking about? What do you mean warning?" Asks Adam. Suddenly there are multiple cracks of metal being forcefully opened.
"Right now a virus has been released into the air. Once the virus enters your body, it destroys your nervous system and your vital organs in a matter of minutes. A very fast acting virus if I do say myself. Again I'll offer you your chance to live. Do as we say or die."
Adam quickly agrees to this horrid offer.
"Thank you for your cooperation. Under your shrub to your left is a gas mask that we can control from anywhere on the globe. You do what we want and you will live. Disobey and we make your gas mask malfunction and you die. Capiche?"
Adam quietly says yes, realizing he has no choice. He quickly grabs the gas mask and heads towards the outer edge of his hometown as he was instructed to do. Adam turns to take one last look at his home and then he turns leaving everything behind him now. He first starts out slowly strolling away from that behind him and then he breaks out into an all out sprint. As Adam quickly heads out to the middle of nowhere, an entire squad of FBI vans come out of nowhere, stopping Adam in his tracks.
"Sir, stop!" Shouts an agent who comes dashing straight at Adam. Adam knows if he is caught, he may end up dead because of the malfunction in his gas mask or exposure to the air around him if the FBI makes him take off the mask. Unfortunately, he can't help but get caught. The agents throw Adam into the van, but go nowhere.
"Son, where are you going?" Asks one of the agents.
The mysterious man who gave Adam his directions quickly tells Adam to not mention the agreement or his destination.
“I am going to ask you one last time sir. Where are you going?" Impatiently says the agent.
Adam starts to tell all of the information about him and the mysterious caller’s dark deal. Luckily for him the mask didn't mess up and the FBI agents all passed out dead due to too much exposure to the virus.
"The virus is spreading too quickly" Says Adam as he quickly makes his way to another FBI van.
He starts up the van and rushes to his given destination. Slowly he approaches a strangely abandoned warehouse.
"Where did this warehouse come from? I don't think that it was out here a few years ago." Says Adam as he gets out of the van.
Out of nowhere Adam is ambushed by several heavily muscular men who instantly knock Adam unconscious. To what seems like forever Adam finally awakes to a man wearing a solid black coat and pants. Adam tries to get to his feet until he was interrupted by a violent shock that very quickly blows through his body.
"What... was that?" Asks Adam.
"That was 2000 volts of pure electricity shot into your body. Unfortunately for you, I can control all that electricity with a simple push of a button. You better listen. Your choice can either make you or break you." says the mysterious man as he not only presses the button and holds it for a few seconds savoring the pain Adam was going through.
As the stranger started to talk again, Adam springs up and knocks the control flying onto an upper ledge.
"Do you know who you’re dealing with? Don't tempt me to kill you and everyone else. Actually, never mind that. I'll just kill everyone anyway. “Says the stranger as he presses the final switch to utter destruction.
"No. Don't." Says Adam.
"It's too late. There's nothing you can do now. Your friends and your family are all going to die. What bugs me though is that you haven't figured out who I am." Says the man as he reaches out and throws down a barrel filled to the rim with venomous vipers and serpents.
Adam instantly freezes up and becomes dumbstruck.
"Snakes... everywhere and...nowhere for me... to run. I'm... stuck." says Adam shacking to death.
"Ha, ha. Do you know who I am now? I am Harold Rogers. I am the one who killed the world." shouts the man.
"I have no clue who you are... uh, Harold was it?" Says Adam realizing that if he doesn't make any movements that would anger the snakes to bite him, he would be fine. Harold instantly pulls out a gun.
"Ha! Now where do you think you're going?"
Suddenly, a snake bites Harold's ankle causing Harold to throw his gun right in
Not even taking the chance to look up at the loaded barrel pointed at his head, Harold says, "You know what's funny? You don't know that your family is dead and so is that Robert guy.”
Then Harold looks up a spots the gun in Adam's hand. Then he asks Adam,
“Have you ever killed a man Adam? No? I didn't think so. So give me the gun. Now!"
Adam then responds with, "I maybe haven't killed anyone before, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you."
After saying his last couple of words to Harold, he pulls the trigger and shoots Harold in the left side of his breast plate, severing a major artery in Harold's chest. Harold hits the floor edging the controls behind him causing a final release of the virus not only in
"Ha... ha... ha. I like how you over reacted about the faux truth I gave you. But now thanks to you everyone is going to die. Including you. Because my body has been punctured the purifying effect of your gas mask has been deactivated. So now... we both... die." Says Harold as he finally dies. Adam takes his few last breaths as he and the rest of the world is about to die.
"Well world," Adam says as he collapses to the floor. "This is the end I guess."
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Goals (humanities)
So far I can understand and use some devices but I want to learn about a few more. Something like symbolism or verbal irony.
2. Another goal I have is to better understand how to start a good thesis for all of my essays.
I can start a thesis but it just doesn't flow with the rest of the essay.
3. Another goal I want to accomplish is to get a deeper understanding of how I can make all of my work the best it can be.
I can put in a lot of effort but I want to know if I can make that piece of work better.
GOALS (mysics)
The first step I am going to take will be by starting to get more help in getting a better understanding of what I am being taught in Mysics.
2. Another goal I have would be to prepare myself for whatever challenges that I might await me in the future.
I would take the chance to study for future preferences so that when the time comes for me to know something important, that I might need to know in the future, I would have the answer.
3. Another goal that I have for this year is to learn how to be able get get more focused than I already am.
Right now I can take the first step to greater focus by learning how to keep my mind on track. Due to my loss of focus sometimes, my grade ended up taking a large impact and caused me to repeat the grade. I am trying not to make the same mistakes.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Literary Device Stroy
What do I do? What do I say? I've been waiting for this chance forever. Suddenly, another girl approaches Johnny. Angela came to an instant stop in her tracks. Her heart dropped into her stomach. She started to feel like her soul had just left her body.
"Oh no. I'm too late."
Angela starts to quietly weep to herself and starts to head back to her friends. What has just happened? Was she too late? No! This can't end this way. In an instant, something had tapped her shoulder. What was this? It was Johnny.
"Hey. I heard you wanted to talk to me." said Johnny.
"Yeah, I did. But your girlfriend came and..."
"That wasn't my girlfriend. She just came to give me my notes for the big test on Friday back."
"Oh. Well...I was sort of ...well... wondering if you'd like to go with me to the dance on Thursday.You know, if your not busy or anything."
Angela's Heart started to beat louder and louder with a thump- thump,thump- thump. As if it were like a ticking time bomb about to burst. Was this real? Was she really going through with this?
"I don't think I have anything going on Thursday. Yeah, I think I'll go with you to the dance."
Angela felt like she was going to burst with happiness. The guy she liked had said yes to going with her to the dance. She felt as though she had just emerged from her shell and sprouted wings and flew of into the light. This was the greatest day she could ever imagined.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Origin of Zero
There isn't a way to decide who discovered what. It would be unfair to take sides. I believe it is a "first come, fist served" rule that decides on who discovered what first. No body knows who discovered zero first.
In one of the articles a man named Fabonacci was said to have brought zero back from north Africa, but zero's history stretches as far deeper into history. In fact, that its provenance is difficult to pin point.
No one really knows where zero came from. The guy who came up with the concept of zero didn't discover it because he needed zero to come up with the concept. Even though the person who discovered the number isn't the guy who came up with zero. There was someone who actually made zero and a couple thousand years later some one discovered the zero someone else had founded.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009